We’re delighted to have been invited to take part in their brilliant INSIDE/OUT lecture series. It’s is open to all – students and public.
Our event takes place on Wednesday 19th April, 1.30pm – 3.30pm at Leeds Beckett University, Cinema, Leeds School of Arts Building, City Campus, Leeds LS1 3BP.
We’ll be taking an honest look at what it really means to be an artist. Talking about the things that have influenced us, from the random, chance encounters to our major lifelong obsessions. We’ll also talk about the relationships and collaborations that have come to inform and define our practice, and the importance of collaboration in all creative practice. This will be followed by a Q&A session with staff from Leeds Beckett including Vivienne Gaskin, who we worked closely with on some of our very earliest projects when she was at the ICA in London.
INSIDE/OUT is curated by Dr Sue Miller (Professor of Music) and Marion Harrison (Senior Lecturer – Fine Art).
Tickets are free. Please follow this link to book.