UPDATE: Sadly, due to the international situation regarding COVID19, the 2020 edition of Photo London has been postponed. It will be rescheduled for a date in early autumn. An official statement is online here.
We’re delighted to be participating in the Public Programme for Photo London. Set within the spectacular neoclassical architecture of Somerset House, this sixth edition of Photo London will feature over 100 exhibitors, showing the best of international photography.
In association with Kate MacGarry, Photo London will present an interactive installation of our ongoing Multigraphs portrait series. These images are made using a Victorian technique that allows the simultaneous capture of five views of a subject. The interactive installation will allow visitors to experiment with the optical illusion first-hand.
A selection of our Multigraph portraits will also feature as part of the installation, in the Great Arch Hall.
Photo London takes place from Thursday 14 May to Sunday 17th May 2020. Tickets can be booked online now.