Our video installation First Kiss will feature as part of Take Two, a video exhibition at FMAC in Geneva. The show addresses reenactment and brings together video works from the 70′s and 90′s and recent productions. Between re-appropriation of history or art history, biographic reconstitutions and recycling of the mass media imageries and discourses, these pieces play with their discrepancies with reality to open fictional spaces and new narratives: critical, utopian, ironic, sometimes tender…
John Baldessari, Script, 1974, 50’25”
Yael Bartana, And Europe Will Be Stunned – The Polish Trilogy, 2007-2011, 61′
Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard, First Kiss, 2010, 4′
Gianni Motti, Motti’96, 1996, 2’40”
Richard Serra, The Prisoner’s Dilemma, 1974, 40’11”
Curated by David Gagnebin-de Bons and Danaé Panchaud
Part of Back & Forth, a year-long video programme of screenings and exhibitions curated by Kim Seob Boninsegni and Pauline Julier, based on the Fonds André Iten (the archives of the former “Centre pour l’image contemporaine” in Geneva) and presented at FMAC (Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève – Geneva City contemporary art collection).
March 14-21, 2013
FMAC – Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève
Rue des Bains 34
1205 Geneva